The SR 77-3 Escape Hood is a filtering respiratory protective device combined with a hood for self rescue in the event of a fireor a chemical emission accident. The hood is based on a Sundström silicone half mask, which is mounted in a hood madeof flame-resistant material. The hoods are vacuum-packed in aluminum bags.
The hood can be put on quickly and simply without prior adjustment. The hood is available in two sizes and fits most adultsand teenagers. The hood is equipped with gas filter SR 331-2, ABEK1-CO and particle filter SR 510, P3 , and provides short-timeprotection against carbon monoxide and other toxic gases and particles that may be emitted in a fire or in a chemicalemission accident.
A1, organic gases and vapours, such as solvents, with boiling points above 65 °C.
B1, inorganic gases and vapours, such as chlorine, hydrogen sulphide and hydrogen cyanide.
E1, acidic gases and vapours such as sulphur dioxide and hydrogen fluoride.
K1, ammonia and certain amines, such as ethylene diamine.
Main upgrades of SR 77-3 escape hoods:
- Increased shelf life from 7.5 to 10 years
- Improved neck seal, silicone instead of elastic fabric
- Sown and taped seams, more secure seal
- Silicone mask instead of TPE
Technical specification:
Weight: 700g
Package Dimension: 210x160x150 mm
Contingency Bag: 150x130x190mm
Shelf Life: 10 years
Temperature Range: -20 – +55 °C, < 90 %RH
Filtration Efficiency, Sodium Chloride NaCl: >99.997%
Filtration Efficiency, Paraffin Oil: >99.997%
Carbon Monoxide CO, 0.25 %–1.0 %: >30min
Akrolein C3H4O, 100ppm: >100min
Hydrogen Chloride HCl, 1,000ppm: >36min
Hydrogen Cyanide HCN, 400 ppm: >25min
A1, Cyclohexane C6H12, 1,000 ppm: >110 min
B1, Chlorine Cl2, 1,000ppm: >130 min
B1, Hydrogen Cyanide HCN, 1,000ppm: > 40 min
B1, Hydrogen Sulphide H2S, 1,000ppm: >210 min
E1, Sulphur Dioxide SO2, 1,000ppm: >130min
K1, Ammonia NH3, 1,000ppm: >130 min
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