On Call is a comprehensive reference for anyone interested in any aspect of cave rescue. It is designed to bring together, under one cover, the knowledge and experience accumulated by cave rescuers during fifty years of rescue in the caves of the Americas. It may also be useful as a field guide for rescue squads and Search and Rescue (SAR) personnel who are occasionally called upon to work within a cave. On Call has ten subject based sections:
- Introduction to Cave Rescue
- Communications
- Management of Operations
- Search Management
- Medical Considerations
- Vertical Rescue
- Patient Packaging and Transport
- Psychological Considerations
- Special Problems
- Wrap Up and Training
- Appendixes:
- Standardized rescue forms
- Acronyms
- Knots
- Suppliers of Equipment
- Rope Calls
- Glossary
- Websites
On Call is available in either Paperback or Hardback versions. It is 385 pages long. Published by the National Speleological Society in October of 2001.
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